
Find out how affordable a Wangstone Designs & Creations products really are. Below you can find prices on everything from the initial Design to product delivery, decorations. Most products are charged on an average number of minutes they last in the laser machine.

We also have other services that might not be listed below and more information can be provided to you on request.



(Hourly wage: Ksh, 1000 , Min fee Ksh. 1,500 )




Varies Based on number of minutes it lasts in the machine



Banners and Roll ups

Range from Ksh. 2,500 upwards exclusive of TAX and Design Charge



Delivery Charge

Free within Nairobi, Any other area a charge will be calculated depending on miles taken to reach the clients destination



Tax rate

According to the Kenya revenue Authority, it is 16% of the total amount.